Letter from the president
Faith Montemayor
MC’ 23
“Hello! My name is Faith Montemayor, and I speak on behalf of all my sisters when I say we cannot wait to have you join us here at the Kappa Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi at CU Denver!! Alpha Phi International fraternity is committed to growth, leadership, academic achievement, and lifelong friendship. With over 270,000 collegiate members, our sisterhood spans the US and Canada with 174 chapters. Alpha Phi is so much more than a Greek organization; it is truly a community dedicated to innovation, character, generosity, and sisterhood - ideals we hold in everything we do. I am honored to serve as the 2024 Kappa Lambda chapter president, and I welcome you to our sisterhood!
When I first started as a freshman at CU Denver, I found it really difficult to bond and form friendships. On top of that, as an out-of-state student from Texas, I knew nobody in Denver. My first semester of college was really rough, and even though I was hugely passionate about my academics, I constantly debated whether I belonged at CU Denver and whether I should transfer to a school back home. That was until I found Alpha Phi.
Never in my life had I imagined I would join a sorority, but I am so glad I did. From the moment I stepped into the room during recruitment, I felt valued, supported, and like I belonged. Despite my initial nervousness and hesitation, I was instantly at ease meeting and getting to know my future sisters and connecting with my fellow new members. I still remember walking back to my dorm and finally feeling like I had found my people. Since then, not a day has gone by where I’ve regretted my decision to attend recruitment and accept my bid, and I look forward to all that comes next, hand in hand with my sisters.
There is so much I could say about the opportunities and growth I have experienced in Alpha Phi, the compassion and love my sisters have given me, and some of the most beautiful memories that I will cherish for as long as I am able. Where I am today is because of Alpha Phi. I hope you also get the chance to experience this beautiful and unique sisterhood we have.”
-With love,
Faith Montemayor
“Becoming a sister in Alpha Phi has been the best choice I’ve ever made being at CU Denver! I’ve been able to build stronger connections to my community and make new relationships with amazing individuals. By far my favorite experience, besides meeting amazing girls, was getting CPR trained and certified to help spread awareness about our philanthropy! I cannot wait to continue to grow as a person but as a sister of Alpha Phi and I am so excited to see all of the fun adventures I will share with my fellow sisters!” - Sara M.